Last Updated on February 28, 2025
Birds are some of the most visually captivating creatures on the planet, with their diverse colorations, shapes, and behaviors. Among the myriad of bird species, those that sport a striking combination of black and white feathers with a bright red head stand out remarkably. These birds not only catch the eye but also play unique roles in their ecosystems. This article delves into 20 such fascinating birds, exploring their descriptions, habitats, behaviors, and diets.
20 Black and White Birds with Red Heads
1. Scarlet-headed Blackbird (Amblyramphus holosericeus)

Description: The Scarlet-headed Blackbird is adorned with a black body and white wing patches that provide a stark contrast to its vibrant red head.
Habitat: These birds are commonly found in the wetlands of South America, particularly in Argentina and Uruguay.
Behavior and Diet: They are primarily insectivorous, often seen perched on reeds or other vegetation near water, from where they hunt for insects and small invertebrates.
Read More >> 20 Black and White Birds in Colorado
2. Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus)

Description: This bird is easily identifiable by its completely red head, black wings with white patches, and black tail.
Habitat: It inhabits open woodlands, orchards, and parks across North America.
Behavior and Diet: Known for its striking appearance and bold behavior, the Red-headed Woodpecker feeds on insects, seeds, and berries. It is also known for its habit of storing food in tree crevices for later consumption.
3. Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus)
Description: With a black body, white patches on its wings, and a red crown, the Acorn Woodpecker is a distinctive bird.
Habitat: Found in western North America and Central America, these birds prefer oak and pine-oak woodlands.
Behavior and Diet: Their name comes from their unique behavior of storing acorns in tree trunks, a behavior known as granary storage. They are highly social and live in family groups.
4. Crimson-headed Partridge (Haematortyx sanguiniceps)
Description: This bird has a black and white body with a bright red head that makes it stand out in its habitat.
Habitat: Native to the rainforests of Borneo, the Crimson-headed Partridge prefers dense, moist forest floors.
Behavior and Diet: It is a ground-dwelling bird that feeds on insects, seeds, and small invertebrates. They are often seen foraging in pairs or small groups.
5. Red-headed Vulture (Sarcogyps calvus)
Description: The Red-headed Vulture is predominantly black with white underwing patches and a striking red head.
Habitat: This bird is found in South and Southeast Asia, particularly in open landscapes near human habitation.
Behavior and Diet: As a scavenger, it feeds on carrion, playing a crucial role in the ecosystem by helping to clean up dead animals.
6. Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) [Variation]
Description: While the Northern Cardinal is primarily red, certain morphs and hybrids display black and white patterns along with their characteristic red heads.
Habitat: These birds are widespread across North and Central America, thriving in woodlands, gardens, and shrublands.
Behavior and Diet: They have a varied diet that includes seeds, fruits, and insects. Northern Cardinals are known for their aggressive territorial behavior, especially during the breeding season.
7. Red-crested Cardinal (Paroaria coronata)
Description: The Red-crested Cardinal has a black and white body with a bright red head and crest.
Habitat: Native to South America, particularly in grasslands and shrublands.
Behavior and Diet: These omnivorous birds feed on seeds, fruits, and insects. They are often seen in pairs or small groups, foraging on the ground or in low vegetation.
8. Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans) [Variation]
Description: The Crimson Rosella features a red head with black and white wings.
Habitat: Found in eastern and southeastern Australia, including woodlands, gardens, and parks.
Behavior and Diet: These birds primarily eat seeds and fruits. They are sociable and are often seen in pairs or small flocks.
9. Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) [Male in Breeding Plumage]
Description: Males in breeding plumage have black and white patterning with a bright red eye and head.
Habitat: Wood Ducks are found in North American freshwater lakes, rivers, and ponds.
Behavior and Diet: They feed on aquatic invertebrates, seeds, and fruits. Wood Ducks are known for their striking plumage and elaborate courtship displays.
10. Crimson-rumped Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus haematopygus)
Description: This toucanet has a black and white body with a red rump and head.
Habitat: Native to the forests of the Andes.
Behavior and Diet: Primarily frugivorous, they are known for their distinctive calls and colorful appearance.
11. Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus)
Description: The Vermilion Flycatcher is noted for its black and white wings and bright red head and underparts.
Habitat: Found from the southwestern United States to South America in open areas near water.
Behavior and Diet: These birds are insectivorous, often seen perching conspicuously as they hunt for insects.
12. Red-capped Manakin (Ceratopipra mentalis)
Description: The Red-capped Manakin has a black body, white patches, and a bright red cap.
Habitat: Inhabits the tropical forests of Central and South America.
Behavior and Diet: Known for their insectivorous diet and elaborate courtship dances performed by the males to attract females.
13. Red-headed Finch (Amadina erythrocephala)
Description: This finch has a black and white body with a bright red head.
Habitat: Native to Southern Africa, particularly in dry savannahs and scrublands.
Behavior and Diet: They are granivorous, feeding primarily on seeds. Red-headed Finches are often seen in flocks and are known for their cheerful songs.
14. Crimson-crowned Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus porphyreus)
Description: The Crimson-crowned Fruit Dove sports a black and white body with a bright red crown.
Habitat: Found in the tropical forests of Indonesia.
Behavior and Diet: These doves are frugivorous, feeding mainly on fruits. They are often seen in the forest canopy, where they are well-camouflaged despite their bright crown.
15. Red-headed Weaver (Anaplectes rubriceps)
Description: The Red-headed Weaver has a black and white body with a striking red head.
Habitat: Inhabits Sub-Saharan Africa, favoring forests, woodlands, and savannahs.
Behavior and Diet: These weavers are insectivorous and are known for their intricate nest-building skills, constructing elaborate nests suspended from tree branches.
16. Red-headed Cisticola (Cisticola ruficeps)
Description: This bird features a black and white body with a bright red head.
Habitat: Found in Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in grasslands and savannas.
Behavior and Diet: Cisticolas are insectivorous, often seen flitting through grasses and shrubs as they search for insects.
17. Crimson-fronted Barbet (Psilopogon rubricapillus)
Description: The Crimson-fronted Barbet has a black and white body with a red forehead.
Habitat: Native to Sri Lanka, these birds prefer dense forests.
Behavior and Diet: Primarily frugivorous, they are often seen in pairs or small groups, feeding on fruits and occasionally insects.
18. Red-headed Trogon (Harpactes erythrocephalus)
Description: The Red-headed Trogon has a black and white body and a red head.
Habitat: Found in the forests of South and Southeast Asia.
Behavior and Diet: These birds are insectivorous and prefer dense forest habitats where they can be seen perching quietly in the understory.
19. Scarlet-faced Liocichla (Liocichla ripponi)
Description: The Scarlet-faced Liocichla has a black and white body with a scarlet face.
Habitat: Inhabits the forests of the Himalayas.
Behavior and Diet: Omnivorous, these birds feed on fruits, insects, and small invertebrates. They are known for their melodious songs.
20. Red-headed Malimbe (Malimbus rubricollis)
Description: This bird features a black and white body with a bright red head.
Habitat: Native to Central African forests, particularly near water bodies.
Behavior and Diet: The Red-headed Malimbe is insectivorous and is often seen in forest edges and clearings, foraging for insects.
The variety of birds sporting the striking color combination of black, white, and red is a testament to nature’s incredible diversity. These birds, spread across different continents and habitats, play essential roles in their ecosystems, from pollination and seed dispersal to insect control and scavenging.
Protecting these species and their habitats is crucial, not just for their survival but also for maintaining the ecological balance. Birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts can contribute to conservation efforts by supporting local and global initiatives aimed at preserving these remarkable creatures and their natural environments.
Additional Resources
Books and Guides:
- “The Sibley Guide to Birds” by David Allen Sibley
- “Birds of the World” by Les Beletsky
- “National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America” by Jon L. Dunn and Jonathan Alderfer
Websites and Apps:
- eBird: A real-time online checklist program and a vast resource for bird data.
- Merlin Bird ID: A mobile app for bird identification developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
- BirdLife International: An organization focused on bird conservation.